The main cooks and servers (l to r): Linda Armstrong, Senior Operations Clerk, GSF Foundation Secretary; Marsha Mears, Chipotle Coordinator; Natasha Baird, Operations Clerk and GSF Foundation Communications Chair; Brenda Pike, Receptionist.
On February 28, associates from QCD Suffolk prepared and served lunch and dinner to fellow associates to benefit the Suffolk center’s Operation Warm/Coats for Kids drive. Associates made a donation of hats and gloves, or a monetary donation to purchase those items, and in return were served a hot meal in the center’s conference room available during two warehouse shifts. Takeout containers were available most of the day for drivers and other associates who were not available during the shift’s lunch breaks.
The hats and gloves collected from this fundraiser will be packaged with the coats Suffolk distributes as part of Operation Warm/Coats for Kids in partnership with JC Penny this fall. Proceeds from the event have prompted Suffolk to increase their coat donation to match the number of hat and/or glove sets donated.
“We wanted to take advantage of the sales and discounts on cold weather gear available at this time of year to supplement and enhance our fall event,” says Natasha Baird, Communications Chair, QCD-Suffolk.
Meals for Mittens was originally planned to include only the Suffolk staff, but soon grew to incorporate family and even local businesses. “We had chili donated by our receptionist’s husband, an éclair pie from local restaurant Ricky and Roy’s for dessert, and our neighbors at Penske made a generous donation and purchased lunch for both the Suffolk shop and the one in nearby Chesapeake,” comments Danny Register, Foundation Chair, QCD-Suffolk. “We even had two coats donated with matching hats and gloves.”
“We hope to help keep local, disadvantaged children warm during the cold fall and winter months,” summed up the Suffolk Facility Manager, Pete DelGiorno. “I’m proud of this team for coming up with this great idea, planning the event and pulling it off in such style.”
The event will benefit more than 100 local children, and the response was such that Suffolk is already in the planning stages for another fundraising meal.