Coats for Kids
Coats for Kids brings warmth to the hearts, minds, and bodies of children in need by providing them with new winter coats. Winter can be an especially difficult season for families experiencing financial hardship. The Coats for Kids program ensures that at-risk children stay warm when the temperature drops, helping these children stay healthy and attend school.
Partner Schools
Critical to the Coats for Kids program, a relationship with partner schools throughout the community helps at-risk children in more ways than just one. Foundation volunteers partner with many of the same schools on the Coats for Kids and Back(pack) to School programs. Each year, administrators and educators from these schools help to select which children are eligible to receive assistance through the Coats for Kids program, based upon individual circumstances and financial need.
Your support or contribution to the Coats for Kids Program can help purchase and deliver coats to children in need, helping them stay warm throughout the cold winter season.