As the GSF Foundation moves into its 15th year, associates throughout the U.S. were invited to “Join The Party” to celebrate “15 Years of Making a Difference” in the lives of others in need through the annual Associate Campaign.
Approximately 74 percent of associates participated in the campaign and raised a whopping $855,154! That’s a 4 percent increase in participation from last year and a 5 percent pledge increase or nearly $40,000 – a new record for the largest amount pledged in any Associate Campaign since the Foundation’s inception in 2002. Additionally, 13 facilities achieved at least 80 percent associate participation, with Oak Brook, CLC, QCD Miami, and QCD Spokane achieving 100 percent participation.
“I’m just so proud of all our associates who brought so much to this campaign,” said Steve Becker, 2017 Campaign Chair, and Senior Corporate Vice President, Human Resources. “Their passion, enthusiasm and dedication to the Foundation’s mission has been truly inspiring. I’d like to thank all of our associates for their participation and for all that they continue to do through the Foundation to help children and families in need in our communities. Let’s keep the party going!”
As part of the campaign, associates were also invited to share the Foundation’s “Join The Party” e-blast video with at least three of their friends, family members and/or business associates, inviting them to get involved in the Foundation through a financial donation or volunteer service opportunity. Visit the GSF Foundation Website at to view the video, donate financially, and read a message about volunteering.
Since 2002, the GSF Foundation has raised more than $36 million to help hundreds of thousands of children in need through more than 600 children’s charities and elementary schools that serve at-risk children. GSF Foundation volunteers have served more than 1,200 Ronald House meals and provided more than 100,000+ nights of RMHC housing for families in need. Through the Foundation, they gave away over 21,000 pairs of shoes and socks to elementary school children in need and donated more than 2 million pounds of food to local food banks and soup kitchens. In 2016 alone, the Foundation donated more than 12,000 backpacks filled with school supplies to elementary school children and an additional 60,000 through its partnership with Essendant (formerly United Stationers), as well as provided nearly 1,200 new bikes for kids in need – helping the kids build them with a mentor.
Throughout the years, GSF Foundation volunteers have donated more than 250,000 total service hours in service to others. Thanks to all participating associates for “15 Years of Making a Difference” through the Foundation. You’ve given hope and inspiration to those at risk and those who are seeking a fuller, more complete life. And that’s a great reason to celebrate.