Let's Bag Hunger!
The Pedal to Perfection program raises student attendance rates by helping schools develop programs that reward students for exceptional attendance, as well as other beneficial types of behavior. By demonstrating nearly perfect attendance for the school year, children in the Pedal to Perfection program earn a brand new bike, complete with a helmet and lock. A motivating force in helping at-risk children achieve their potential, this program proves that academic success is attainable.
Partner Schools
The Pedal to Perfection program develops close relationships with schools participating in the program and works with administrators to ensure that program goals are met on multiple levels. Foundation volunteers make certain that teachers, as well as administrators, have outlined the requirements to students and that program goals are maintained throughout the school year.
National Partnerships
For the schools that choose to use a bicycle as an award for perfect attendance, the GSF Foundation proudly partners with Pacific Cycles as a provider.
School attendance is key in getting the most out of educational opportunities. Your contribution to the Pedal to Perfection program helps give at-risk children the motivation to achieve their educational goals and aspirations.